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Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Connect with the World’s Suffering Without Overwhelm
I went on a month-long news fast last year. The state of our world — including the war in Ukraine, mass shootings, and environmental...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
New Year, New Vision
The New Year began in silence. After the temple near my home in Chiba, Japan struck the 108th bell for purification at midnight, silence...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
End to Begin
The chilly air blows through my yard. The last remaining oak leaves take off from the branches, join the wind, dance with the current,...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Spread (or Plant the Seed of) Joy
I connect cedar branches with wire clippings and bend them into a circle. The camphor-like scent brings wood inside the room and envelops...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Surrender to be Reborn
My dear friend, Pamela Overeynder, recently posted on her Facebook page a beautiful poem by Elena Bernabè (sharing the post on The Soul...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Reflect, Release and Realize
I rest under the tree and feel the breeze caressing my skin. The passing cloud reminds me of constant changes in life. I'm on a retreat...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Happy Thanksgiving
The Japanese word for "thank you" is "arigato". Its original meaning is "extremely rare to exist and thus highly valuable." The word...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Find and Follow Your Inner Compass
We all experience transition. It is inevitable as long as we exist. It is the order of nature: weather changes, seasons shift, and people...
Surapsari Fujimaru
4 min read
Setting and Releasing Goals
On every New Year’s Day I take a time for a long meditation to clarify the mind and open up for all the possibilities the new year may...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Find Peace in Uncertainty
The sun shines through the pond, with its light caressing me underwater. A breeze makes a current and sways my stalk. I'm a lotus,...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Planting Seeds of Mindfulness
Jessica shows up at our Youth Mindfulness Summer Camp with a thermal bottle. “I brought green tea,” she smiles. “I love green tea!”...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Do Your Best
Tomiko is a three-time cancer survivor. She lost her stomach and rectum. She has been using a stoma* and disposable bags attached to it...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Mindful Art
I draw a curvy line of a vine with a complete focus. The end of the swirly vine yields to the beginning of a new one. I repeat the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Silent Retreat at Home
Silence is the most vibrant sound of all. It is the sound of life, the sound of the universe. As white light contains all colors, silence...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Switching the Lenses
I love spending time outdoors. I enjoy taking photos of the beauty around me while hiking or just relaxing in my backyard. Lying on the...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Healing the Whole Being
I teach a class called Healing Culinary Traditions from Asia. This four-session series features diets, ingredients, cooking methods, and...
Surapsari Fujimaru
3 min read
Standing Up For Your Values
“I’m fine Catherine’s smile froze at the end of the sentence. Her strained voice and frowned eyebrows betrayed her words. “Are you sure?”...
Surapsari Fujimaru
1 min read
Spring Self-Exploration
A wind blows through the tall oak tree in front of our retreat cottage. It shakes off dried leaves, the only reminder of the winter storm...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Restoring Peace and Harmony
While making a Balinese offering sample, my mind wanders the rice paddies in Ubud, the village where I lived with my family for over 15...
Surapsari Fujimaru
2 min read
Gods' Delight
Okame (the Lady of Happiness), Hyottoko (the Funny Man), and Ebisu (the Lucky Gods). I smile while going through Kagura masks one by one...
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